Simulators & Digital Technology Company

We strive to meet your satisfaction

About the company

The company was founded in May 2023 by the founders Abdullah Mohammed Al-Wahabi and Yahya Muhammad Mahboub, and the company aspires to work in the field of simulators, training simulation, manufacturing, repairing and modifying digital electronic circuits, electrical appliances and equipment, and our goals are great and we will work to achieve them, God willing, in partnership with our customers, whom we are proud of.

We are a company that depends on the quality of our services and the scarcity of specialized human resources, and our products will be professionally implemented, and this is what qualifies us in the business.

We always study the Arab and foreign markets to keep pace with modern technologies and ideas, to compose all this in products that our customers could stand out in, we are able to meet all the requirements of government and private agencies and individuals.

It was not a passing decision to break into the field of information technology and artificial intelligence with confidence and strength, relying after God on a professional team that we are proud of and with tangible experiences.

Our Products & Services


The company has many capabilities to build simulators of different sizes for various operational control systems.

تطبيقات ثلاثية الأبعاد تدريبية

Three-dimensional training applications

Among the company’s capabilities is also the ability to build training applications based on three-dimensional
Which can give the trainee a virtual or augmented motive in almost all matters of practical, scientific and entertainment life. Many scientific and practical bodies have turned to the use of virtual reality (VR) and AR in their training processes, which are at the heart of the three-dimensional of the many benefits they have seen in this type of application.

AI products

Artificial intelligence is a field that aims to develop systems that rely on digital computing that have the ability to perform the tasks required by human intelligence. Artificial intelligence can provide many benefits as (smart decision-making) to reduce human error in solving complex and precise problems.
